
Tandoor King Indian Restaurant

+420 721 025 600

I.P Pavlova 609/25, Karlovy Vary

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions Restaurant Tandoor King, ID: 14030055 with its registered office at Chudenická 1059/30, 102 00 Praha 15 (hereinafter referred to as “Tandoor King”) for access and use of the website www.tandoorking.cz.

I. Introductory Provisions

  • Tandoor King Indian Restaurant operates on its website www.tandoorking.cz a system for the delivery of food to end customers.
  • These Terms and Conditions govern the rights and obligations of persons using the website www.tandoorking.cz upon entry and further use of the website.
  • User by entering the website www.tandoorking.cz confirms that it has become familiar with the current terms and conditions and undertakes to comply with them.
  • Tandoor King Indian restaurant may unilaterally change or supplement the terms and conditions. Restaurant Tandoor King informs the breadwinner about the change of the Terms and Conditions on the www.tandoorking.cz website, or in any other appropriate way so that the contender can become acquainted with the current wording of the terms and conditions without undue difficulty. The terms take effect when they are posted on the www.tandoorking.cz website.

II. At the livelihood account

  • Based on the buyer’s registration made on the website, the buyer may access his user interface. From its user interface, the buyer may order the goods (hereinafter referred to as the “User Account”). If the e-shop web interface allows this, the buyer can also order the goods without registering directly from the e-shop web interface shop.
  • When registering on the website and ordering the goods, the buyer is obliged to provide correctly and truthfully all data. The buyer is obliged to update the data provided in the user account at any time of any change. The information provided by the buyer in the user account and when ordering the goods is considered correct by the seller.
  • Access to the buyer’s user account is secured by his username and password.
  • The Buyer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access his user account.
  • The Buyer is not entitled to allow third parties to use the user account.
  • The Seller may cancel the user account, especially if the Buyer has not used his user account for more than 1 year, or if the Buyer breaches his obligations under the purchase contract (including the terms and conditions).
  • The Buyer acknowledges that the user account may not be available continuously, especially with regard to the necessary maintenance of the seller’s hardware and software equipment, or the necessary maintenance of the seller’s hardware and software equipment. necessary maintenance of third-party hardware and software equipment.

III. When you close the purchase contract

  • All presentations of goods placed in the web interface of the e-shop are informative and the seller is not obliged to conclude a purchase contract in respect of these goods. Article 1732(1) of the Basic Regulation provides that the commission shall, in accordance with the procedure laid down in 2 of the Civil Code shall not apply.
  • The web interface of the e-shop contains information about the goods, including the indication of the prices of individual goods. The prices of the goods are indicated including value-added tax and all related charges. The prices of the goods remain in force for as long as they are displayed in the web interface of the shop. This provision does not limit the possibility of the seller to conclude a purchase contract under individually agreed terms.
  • The web interface of the e-shop also contains information about the costs associated with the packaging and delivery of goods. Information on the costs associated with the packaging and delivery of goods specified in the web interface of the e-shop is valid only in the context of the delivery of goods in the territory of the city of
  • To order the goods, the buyer fills in the order form on the web interface of the shop. In particular, the order form contains information about:
    • ordered goods (ordered goods “inserted” by the buyer into the electronic shopping cart of the web interface of the e-shop)
    • method of payment of the purchase price of the goods, details of the requested method of delivery of the ordered goods
    • information on the costs associated with the delivery of the goods (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “order”).
  • Before sending the order to the seller, the buyer is allowed to check and change the data entered into the order by the buyer, even with regard to the possibility of the buyer detecting and correcting errors arising from entering data into the order.
  • The buyer sends the order to the seller by clicking on the”Confirmit Order” button. After submitting the order, the buyer can no longer change the data he has placed in the order or correct errors in the order. The information given in the order is considered correct by the seller. The Seller shall immediately confirm this receipt to the Buyer by e-mail to the buyer’s e-mail address specified in the user interface or in the order (hereinafter referred to as the “buyer’s e-mail address”) or by telephone.
  • The Seller is always entitled to ask the buyer for additional confirmation of the order (e.g. in writing or by telephone) depending on the nature of the order (quantity of goods, purchase price, estimated shipping costs).
  • The contractual relationship between the seller and the buyer arises from the receipt of the order (acceptance) sent by the seller to the buyer by e-mail to the buyer’s e-mail address.
  • The Buyer agrees to use means of distance communication when concluding a purchase contract. The costs incurred by the buyer when using means of distance communication in connection with the conclusion of the purchase contract (internet connection costs, costs of telephone calls) are borne by the buyer himself, and these costs do not differ from the basic rate.

IV. Price of goods and payment terms

  • The buyer may pay the price of the goods and any costs associated with the delivery of the goods according to the purchase contract in the following ways:
    • cash on delivery at the place specified by the buyer in the order;
    • cashless via the payment gateway in the e-shop www.tandoorking.cz
  • Together with the purchase price, the buyer is obliged to pay the seller also the costs associated with the packaging and delivery of the goods in the agreed amount. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the purchase price and the costs associated with the delivery of the goods shall also be understood.
  • The Seller does not require a deposit or other similar payment from the Buyer. This is without prejudice to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions regarding the obligation to pay the purchase price of the goods in advance.
  • In the case of cash payment or cash on delivery, the purchase price is payable upon receipt of the goods.
  • In the case of non-cash payment, the buyer’s obligation to pay the purchase price is fulfilled at the moment of crediting the relevant amount to the seller’s account.
  • The Seller is entitled, especially in the event that the buyer does not provide additional confirmation of the order, to demand payment of the entire purchase price before sending the goods to the buyer. Article 2119(1) of the Treaty provides that the commission shall be required to 1 of the Civil Code shall not apply.
  • If this is customary in the course of trade or if it is provided for by generally binding legislation, the seller will issue a tax document – invoice to the buyer in respect of payments made on the basis of the purchase contract. The seller is the payer of the value-added tax. Tax document – the invoice is issued by the seller to the buyer after payment of the price of the goods and sent in the electronic form to the buyer’s e-mail address.

V. Transport and delivery of goods

  • In the event that the mode of transport is contracted on the basis of a specific request from the buyer, the buyer shall bear the risk and any additional costs associated with this mode of transport.
  • If the seller is obliged according to the purchase contract to deliver the goods to the place specified by the buyer in the order, the buyer is obliged to take over the goods on delivery.
  • In the event that, for reasons on the part of the buyer, it is necessary to deliver the goods repeatedly or in a different way than stated in the order, the buyer is obliged to pay the costs associated with the repeated delivery of the goods or the costs associated with another means of delivery.
  • Upon receipt of the goods from the carrier, the buyer is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging of the goods and, in case of any defects, notify the carrier immediately. In the event of a finding of a violation of the packaging indicating unauthorized intrusion into the consignment, the buyer does not have to take the consignment from the carrier.
  • Other rights and obligations of the parties in the carriage of goods may be regulated by the specific delivery conditions of the seller if they are issued by the Seller.

VI. Defectivefilling

  • The rights and obligations of the parties regarding the rights of defective performance are governed by the relevant generally binding regulations (in particular the provisions of § 1914 to 1925, § 2099 to 2117, and § 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code).
  • The seller corresponds to the buyer that the goods do not have defects upon receipt. In particular, the seller corresponds to the buyer at the time when the buyer took over the goods:
    • the goods have characteristics that the parties have negotiated and, in the absence of an arrangement, have such characteristics as described by the seller or the manufacturer or which the buyer expected, taking into account the nature of the goods and the advertising carried out by them,
    • the goods are in the appropriate quantity, measure, or weight
  • Suppose there are situations where the buyer is not satisfied with the quality of the order. In that case, he is obliged to contact the seller without undue delay by calling +420 721 025 600 (hereinafter referred to as ” Contact phone”), which is available within the opening hours of The claim of the goods applies only and only to the goods purchased on that day. The customer is obliged to check the correctness of the order when taking over the order. To handle the complaint of the delivered goods it is necessary to report the receipt number and the user’s identification data. Without the disclosure of such data, it is not possible to initiate a complaint procedure.
  • In the event that the claim is justified, the buyer has the right to:
    • to a reasonable discount on the purchase price or the removal of the defect by the delivery of new goods, unless this is disproportionate due to the nature of the fault, if the goods do not correspond to the exact description given on the seller’s website have been delivered to him, in particular, if he is not supplied in the agreed quantity, quality or if it does not contain all its components.
    • to remedy the defect by the delivery of new goods, a reasonable discount on the purchase price, or the right to withdraw from the contract, if the seller supplies the buyer with goods completely different from the one ordered by the buyer or goods that cannot be used at all for his defects. The Buyer is entitled to choose the method of remedying the defect according to this paragraph and cannot change his choice without the seller’s consent.

VII. Other matters and obligations of the Contracting Parties

  • The buyer acquires ownership of the goods by paying the entire purchase price of the goods.
  • The Seller is not bound by any codes of conduct in relation to the Buyer within the meaning of Section 1826(1) of the Agreement. Article 1(1)(b) (e) the Civil Code.
  • Out-of-court handling of consumer complaints is provided by the seller via the Contact Telephone, possibly the electronic address of the info@tandoorking.cz. The seller will send information about the settlement of the buyer’s complaint to the buyer’s e-mail address.
  • The seller is entitled to sell the goods on the basis of a trade license. Trade control is carried out within the scope of its competence by the relevant trade licensing authority. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority supervises the area of personal data protection, and the Czech Trade Inspection Authority shall, to the extent specified, supervise compliance with Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended.
  • The Buyer hereby assumes the risk of a change of circumstances within the meaning of § 1765 para. 2 of the Civil Code.


  • The protection of the personal data of the buyer, who is a natural person, is provided by Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “ZOOU”).
  • The Buyer agrees to the processing of his/her personal data specified in the order form by the seller for the purpose of operating an online e-shop with food and thus related services (in particular provided and delivered food), and at the same time for the purpose of sending commercial communications to the buyer via electronic or other means.
  • The Seller shall process the buyer’s personal data only to the extent necessary for the purposes referred to in Article 9 of these Terms and Conditions, removing personal data from the relevant systems as soon as they are no longer needed for further processing. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that no personal information and private information of the buyers is disclosed. Summarized data from the order form can be used by the seller for statistical purposes, and for internal use of the seller.
  • The consent granted in this Article by the Buyer grants for all data contained in the order form for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of their provision.
  • The Buyer is aware of his rights under the provisions of § 12 and 21 of the Zoo, in particular, that the refusal of consent will not have any negative consequences for him and that if he finds or believes that the Seller is processing his personal data in violation of the protection of his private and personal life or contrary to the law, he has the right to ask the seller for an explanation and/or to require the Seller to remove such a situation.
  • The Buyer acknowledges that he is obliged to familiarize himself with all completed parts of the order form, he is obliged to provide his personal data (when registering, in his user account, when ordering made from the web interface of the e-shop) to indicate correctly and truthfully, and that he is obliged to inform the seller without undue delay of the change in his personal data.
  • The Buyer declares that he/she voluntarily provides all his/her personal data filled in the order form.

IX. Delivery

  • The Buyer may be delivered to the e-mail address specified in his user account or by the buyer in the order.

X. Final provisions

  • If the relationship established by the purchase contract contains an international (foreign) element, then the parties agree that the relationship is governed by Czech law. This is without prejudice to consumer rights arising from generally binding legislation.
  • If a provision of the Terms and Conditions is invalid or ineffective, or becomes so, instead of invalid provisions, a provision shall be made to bring the invalid provision as close as possible to the invalid provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions. Changes and additions to the purchase contract or terms and conditions require a written form.
  • Purchase contracts starting with their conclusion are archived by the seller in electronic form, including terms and conditions. Access to archived contracts is exclusively available to the seller.
  • Contact details of the seller: address for delivery  I.P. Pavlova 609/25, 360 01 Karlovy Vary (Near HOTEL THERMAL, Courtyard side of the residential building,) e-mail address info@tandoorking.cz, phone +420 721 025 600.
  • In the event that a consumer dispute arises between the buyer (consumer) and the seller from a purchase contract that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer may file an application for out-of-court settlement of the such dispute to designated out-of-court entity consumer disputes, which are:
  • Czech TradeInspection :

Central Inspectoratorial Department
ADRŠtěpánská 15
120 00 Prague 2
website: www.coi.cz

  • These commercial-requirement stake effect on 25 June 2020.
  • In Prague on 25. 3. 2020.
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